Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuvination
What’s the real deal?
By now we’ve heard of every diet, needle, laser, surgery and collapse worthy yoga pose (I’m envisioning the one where you have to cross your arms and legs at the same time while balancing on one foot without toppling over…eeek!) that is supposed to keep our skin and our bodies looking/feeling younger and more vibrant. While eating healthy, hydrating and exercising are the foundation of looking and feeling great, the truth is there are really only a handful of tricks up even the most experienced and talented plastic surgeons’s sleeve that actually work.
One of the most revered treatments for patients with sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles is the coveted “laser”. There are actually several different lasers on the market, all claiming to do the same but varied treatments, far too many to discuss. However, one not-so-laser worth discussing is the Portrait Plasma. You see it’s not actually a “laser” by definition at all…
Ok, so what is it exactly?
The portrait plasma device uses energy delivered from plasma (how cool is that) rather than light or radio frequency, compared to other skin regeneration/laser modalities. What this means for the Doctor is a very direct path of strong, concentrated energy that can be used to treat a number of patient woes; fine lines, deep lines, pore size, skin texture, hyper pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, skin elasticity and more. What it means for the patient is a skin resurfacing treatment quite like no any other.
Talk nerdy to me…

Because the energy from the plasma is uniformly absorbed, the treated area experiences incredible collagen and elastin regeneration. We likey! Our patient seen here is being treated by Dr. Svehlak in a pattern across her entire face and neck. After expressing her desire for a reduction in redness and uneven skin tone due to sun damage as well as fine lines and deeper wrinkles, it’s clear this treatment is perfect. Dr. Svehlak is able to penetrate the layers of the skin and create an even resurfacing effect. You can even see in the video how the light pulses out of the hand piece and into the skin! To all of the science nerds out there…it is perfectly ok to geek out right now… *geeks out*
What makes this treatment great however is not just it’s scientific advances but the way that it’s downtime lies somewhere between a CO2 laser treatment and Fraxel treatment. If you have been doing your research you know that a CO2 laser procedure can have some pretty gnarly downtime (up to 3 months) and a Fraxel treatment creates more of a dry/itchy swollen sunburn feeling that subsides within a few days.
What is the downtime for Portrait Plasma exactly?
Let’s discuss the process. Prior to the Portrait Plasma treatment the area is numbed using lidocaine so the patient is as comfortable as can be while the Dr. is adjusting the settings as necessary. Once the procedure is complete and all necessary areas have been sufficiently treated there is possible swelling and redness which then tends to crust over and look more like a burn over the course of a week. There can also be a hot, stingy feeling which subsides after the first day. The downtime proceeding the first day is really just social. This means there will be minimal pain and minimal rest necessary to heal while going about your regular activities. You may just look a tad scary at the work, the grocery store or out to lunch with friends (oh well, worth it!). The real challenge lies in the after care. It must be understood that this treatment provokes fresh, brand new skin that a needs healing. This means it must be babied! No harsh products, no sun and no bacteria will equate to the best results. It is also very important, if not the MOST important not to peel, scratch or scrub the new skin. It will be tempting but trust us when we say resist the urge. Rushing the peeling process and healing skin by scrubbing or picking can create scarring and a less than perfect result. Who wants that?
Our patient was very happy with her results and has even considered doing a series of treatments to continue it’s effects.
Check out our video! Give our office a call to schedule a consultation if you have any questions or would like to speak to Dr. Svehlak in person!