Female face, before Rhinoplasty treatment, front view, patient 32
After 2 Weeks
Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, front view, patient 32
Female face, before Rhinoplasty treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 32
After 2 Weeks
Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 32
Female face, before Rhinoplasty treatment, l-side view, patient 32
After 2 Weeks
Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, l-side view, patient 32
Female face, before Rhinoplasty treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 32
After 2 Weeks
Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 32
Female face, before Rhinoplasty treatment, r-side view, patient 32 Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, r-side view, patient 32
After 2 Weeks
Female face, after Rhinoplasty treatment, r-side view, patient 32

This is a 23 year old female from Lanchaster, CA, who was concerned about the large bump on her nose and wide nasal tip. She also had problems with nasal breathing. She consulted with Dr. Svehlak to review her concerns.

Dr. Svehlak performed a closed rhinoplasty to reduce the dorsal hump and reshape the nose. In addition, he open the nasal airways to help improve her breathing.  She was very happy with the natural looking final results.

- Lancaster, CA

Rhinoplasty: Case 323

Female , 23

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak