Woman's body, before Thigh Lift treatment, front view, patient 1
After 1 Year
Woman's body, after Thigh Lift treatment, front view, patient 1
Woman's body, before Mommy Makeover treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 1
After 1 Year
Woman's body, after Mommy Makeover treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 1
Woman's body, before Mommy Makeover treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 1
After 1 Year
Woman's body, after Mommy Makeover treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 1
Woman's body, before Mommy Makeover treatment, l-side view, patient 1
After 1 Year
Woman's body, after Mommy Makeover treatment, l-side view, patient 1
Woman's body, before Mommy Makeover treatment, r-side view, patient 1
After 1 Year
Woman's body, after Mommy Makeover treatment, r-side view, patient 1

This is a 28 y.o. female from Riverside, CA, who was very overweight after having children. She had undergone gastric bypass surgery for weight loss. She had lost nearly 100lbs after the surgery. Now she consulted with Dr. Svehlak to address problem areas of her body. She wanted improvement of loose skin of her body and abdominal wall, and improvement of her saggy breasts.

Dr. Svehlak performed multiple surgeries in this Mommy Makeover transformation. She first had an aggressive muscle tightening abdominoplasty with a breast lift, and body contouring with liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks (355cc to each buttock). Several months later she had additional surgeries of brachioplasty to address the loose skin of her upper arms, placement of saline breast implants, a medial thigh lift, and further liposuction and contouring.  After nearly 1 1/2 years later she had a very nice body transformation which she was very happy with.

- Riverside, CA

Mommy Makeover Photos: Case 1

Female , 28

Procedure: Mommy Makeover + Abdominoplasty +Breast Lift + Contouring with liposuction + fat transfer to the buttocks (355cc to each buttock).
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak