Female body, before Liposuction Revision treatment, front view, patient 3
Female body, after Liposuction Revision treatment, front view, patient 3
After 4 Months
Female body, after - Liposuction Revision treatment, front view, patient 3
Female body, before - Liposuction Revision treatment, back side view, patient 3
Female body, after - Liposuction Revision treatment, back side view, patient 3
After 4 Months
Female body,-after Liposuction Revision treatment, back side view, patient 3
Female body, before Liposuction Revision treatment, l-side view, patient 3
Female body, after Liposuction Revision treatment, l-side view, patient 3
After 4 Months
Female body, - after Liposuction Revision treatment, l-side view, patient 3
Female body, before - Liposuction Revision treatment, r-side view, patient 3
Female body, before Liposuction Revision treatment, r-side view, patient 3
After 7 Months
Female body, after Liposuction Revision treatment, r-side view, patient 3

This is a 31 y.o. female from Los Angeles who had previous body contouring procedures (liposuction) about 10 years prior by another surgeon. She was concerned about the resulting irregular contours of her thighs and buttock areas. She sought Dr. Svehlak for correction.

Dr. Svehlak performed revisional lipocontouring with liposuction of of her inner thighs, outer thighs, and banana rolls for contouring and harvesting of fat. She then had autologous fat transfer to areas of her inner and outer thighs, and buttock areas. There was significant improvement in her contours of the areas treated and was happy with the results.

Photos: dotted marked areas are fat graft sites, topographical markings are for fat removal

- Los Angeles, CA

Liposuction Revision Photos: Case 3

Female , 31

Procedure: Liposuction Revision
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak