Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view, patient 126
After 3 Months
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view, patient 126
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view (lips closed), patient 126
After 3 Months
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, front view (lips closed), patient 126
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 126
After 3 Months
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 126
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side view, patient 126
After 3 Months
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side view, patient 126
Woman's lips, before Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 126
After 3 Months
Woman's lips, after Lip Lift and Lip Reduction treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 126

This is a 43 year old female from La Crescenta, CA, who didn’t like the appearance of her long upper lip. She wanted a shorter more youthful looking lip. She consulted with Dr. Svehlak because of his experience with performing lip enhancing surgery.

Dr. Svehlak evaluated the patient. Her upper lip measured 22mm from columella to vermilion border at midline. Dr. Svehlak performed an upper lip lift using a mustache-shaped (Bullhorn) incision below the nose.  7-8mm of skin was removed at midline.

The post-operative photos are at 3 months.  Her post operative lip length measured about 16-17mm. She was very happy with her more youthful appearing lips.

- La Crescenta, CA

Lip Lift and Lip Reduction Photos: Case 12622

Female , 43

Procedure: Lip Lift or Lip Reduction
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak