Womans breasts, before Implant Removal treatment, front view, patient 2
After 6 Weeks
Womans breasts, after Implant Removal treatment, front view, patient 2
Womans breasts, before Implant Removal treatment, front view, patient 2
After 6 Weeks
Woman's breasts, after Implant Removal treatment, front view - patient 2
Woman's breasts, before Implant Removal treatment, r-side view, patient 2
After 6 Weeks
Woman's breasts, after Implant Removal treatment, r-side view, patient 2
Woman's breasts, before Implant Removal treatment, l-side view, patient 2
After 6 Weeks
Woman's breasts, after Implant Removal treatment, l-side view, patient 2

This is a 50 y.o. female from Los Angeles, who was very into fitness. She had a breast lift with placement of saline implants placed under the muscle done several years before. Her implants never dropped well, which gave her a very annoying and obvious animation deformity. She did not like this. She saw Dr. Svehlak for implant removal to correct her problem.

Dr. Svehlak reviewed her options. Because she had saline implants, the simplest intervention would be to percutaneous puncture and drain the implants with a needle. This took about 15 minutes in the office. She was very happy with the shape of her breasts and now does not have the animation deformity.

- Los Angeles, CA

Implant Removal : Case 2

Female , 50

Procedure: Breast Implant Removal
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak