Woman's body, before Tummy Tuck treatment, front view, patient 12
After 5 Years
Woman's body, after Tummy Tuck treatment, front view, patient 12
Woman's body, before Tummy Tuck treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 12
After 5 Years
Woman's body, after Tummy Tuck treatment, l-side oblique view, patient 12
Woman's body, before Tummy Tuck treatment, l-side view, patient 12
After 5 Years
Woman's body, after Tummy Tuck treatment, l-side view, patient 12
Woman's body, before Tummy Tuck treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 12
After 5 Years
Woman's body, after Tummy Tuck treatment, r-side oblique view, patient 12
Woman's body, before Tummy Tuck treatment, r-side view, patient 12
After 5 Years
Woman's body, after Tummy Tuck treatment, r-side view, patient 12

This is a 49 y.o. female from Idaho who previously had a C-section and liposuction done on her abdominal wall and flanks. This left her with irregular skin contours on her abdominal wall.  She sought after Dr. Svehlak for evaluation after seeing Tara Reid on the Tyra Banks show discussing her experiences with previous body contouring surgery.

Dr. Svehlak performed a fat transfer procedure 1 year ago where fat was removed (harvested) form the lower back and flanks, and carefully transferred (grafted) into the contour irregularities of the abdominal wall.  A total of 127cc of autologous fat was transferred during this liposuction revision surgery. There was significant improvement.  She was happy with the results.

Now she wanted to improve the looseness in the abdominal wall skin and muscle.  Dr. Svehlak performed an abdominoplasty to address and remove the loose skin, and tighten her muscles.

- Idaho

Tummy Tuck Photos: Case 12

Female , 49

Procedure: Tummy Tuck + Liposuction Revision Surgery
Surgeon: Dr. Svehlak